Live While We're Young✦

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hmm , anis renduu mak + abah :'(
POSTED ON: Saturday, 15 October 2011 at 18:32 | 0 cookies

Bru semlam mak abah pegy ke tanah suci .
wlupon bru 2 hari . aku da mule rase kehilangan mereka ~
huwaaaa . ag 48 ary .
yeaaa . anis akan saba mnanti mak n abah balek .

sumpah , rase sedeh gilee kod .
tatau na kap cane ble org yg salu nan ite .
ttbe tadee ~
smlm mase pelok mak .
aku n mak due2 nanges .
mak pon cm berat hati nak tggl an aku .
maybe dea tau aku nii tapena brengang nan durg .

Abah pulak mase aku tium pp dea .
dea kate . dah-2 , jnan nanges .
abah pegi buad ibadat .
50 ary jea . tak lame .
WHAT ?? tak lme abah ckp .
lame tuu abah .

its okay my lovely mak abah . anis akn tggu kpulangan mak abah .
hope mak oryte2 je at cner n dpt mcapai haji yg MABRUR !
anak-2 mak abah sntiase mndoakn ksejahteraan mak abah tau ?? >.<
tke cre tau at cner .
ily parents . muahhxx  ♥  ♥  ♥


My pastMy future

Hello stalker,welcome to my blog.Im super super awwwsome girl . Thank you for walking here.Don't make any shit here.Im warning you . Do follow babeh :*

Hit the board!

Past Tenses


Own by : Farahanis
Edited by : Adam Zailani
Template by : Nina Lloyd
Big help :