Live While We're Young✦

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wake up anies :')
POSTED ON: Sunday, 30 October 2011 at 10:53 | 0 cookies

morning morning n morning :')

arini bangun agak late n angah pon mcm byase laa akan mmbebel >.<
wiii ~ ade aku kesahh ?? :PP

2 weeks more :))

yaaa , hnye tggl 2 mggu = 14 ari :)
SPM2 !
ohemjayyy , anis , kao ta prepare ape2 ag kenn ?
maseh nak maen2 ,
kao tanak ew tgok mak n abah kao happy ha ??
wake up dear , lupekan shume probs yg len tok smentare nii :)
u still got time dear :)
sumpah ase GERUN ble bce belog si comel + cantek >> cik keyla 
dea da sedar da . aku bile lg ? haihhh ~
suda anis . dis 4 ur own good jugak :)
okay ~ HP comel aku pon akn dbuang buad sketika .
fb n twitter jugak akan diabaikan buad smentare waktuu .
soriee dear  ♥  ♥ 
juz only for 2 weeks :)
byebye sayangg  


My pastMy future

Hello stalker,welcome to my blog.Im super super awwwsome girl . Thank you for walking here.Don't make any shit here.Im warning you . Do follow babeh :*

Hit the board!

Past Tenses


Own by : Farahanis
Edited by : Adam Zailani
Template by : Nina Lloyd
Big help :