Live While We're Young✦

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assalamualaikum :)
POSTED ON: Friday, 18 November 2011 at 17:49 | 0 cookies

holla holla all :)
lame tak mengupdate belog kan ?
dah bersawang punn :)
act , mggu ni mggu exm , SPM ~ kate kao , hahaah ~
tp aku masih bole mengon9 kan dri ? haihhh --' 
ape nak jd lah nor farahanis nii , haha
4 paper done , 5 paper moree :) 
wish me gudluck all :)
arini LAST day skool :')
sedeh jugak laa , pas SPM abes t . takde da la muke aku taun dpn , hmm :'(
5 taun at skola tuu , tipuu kalau tak sedeh nak tggl kan zaman persekolahan nii :')
lagy sedeh nak tggl kan bestiee aku tuu .
hmm # ily bestiee    


My pastMy future

Hello stalker,welcome to my blog.Im super super awwwsome girl . Thank you for walking here.Don't make any shit here.Im warning you . Do follow babeh :*

Hit the board!

Past Tenses


Own by : Farahanis
Edited by : Adam Zailani
Template by : Nina Lloyd
Big help :