Live While We're Young✦

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evening :)
POSTED ON: Friday, 13 April 2012 at 19:16 | 0 cookies

salam :)
heyy guys , evening blogger :)
okay , lame kan dah tak update belog anis ni .
da genap sbulan da masuk harini .

okay , smalam anis baru bace novel yg akak anis bg pinjm .
tp tak abeh2 ag sbb bz sgt , pagi dah p keje .
ptg baru balik . mlm jela pon na bace nye .
tsgt lah bosan mggu nii .
act anis taktauu knape .
mud pun asyik takde jea .
n then mule lah nak marah-2 .
hikhik , soriee yea >.<

err , okay nak story nii ..
anis kann .. da tuka tmpat keje .
dekat sikid dgn umah .
satu tmpat keje dgn bestiess tsyg ,
MAT DESA company >.<
due org couple yg sgt sweet :)
smlm dorg genap 2 taonn :)
auchhh , tsgt lah sweet dorg tuu tau even salu gado .
happy ANNIVERSARY 2 years both off youu :)

psst , awak ..tolong ceriakan sy mcm dulu boleh ? okay nak magrib dahh .
offline , byee . iloveyouu <3


My pastMy future

Hello stalker,welcome to my blog.Im super super awwwsome girl . Thank you for walking here.Don't make any shit here.Im warning you . Do follow babeh :*

Hit the board!

Past Tenses


Own by : Farahanis
Edited by : Adam Zailani
Template by : Nina Lloyd
Big help :